Are You Confusing Comfort with Happiness?
Are you confusing comfort for happiness? I know I sought constant comfort when I was experiencing anxiety….

The Benefits of Emotional Awareness
David Cain from Raptitude.com has written a terrific article about what emotions are and how being aware of them can help us move through life a little bit more smoothly.

How Mindfulness Changes our Brains
I write a lot about how effective mindfulness exercises can be at reducing stress and improving our physical and mental health….

Time in Nature Reduces Rumination
If you've read much of my writing or worked with me in 1-on-1 coaching sessions, you already know this, but I am a closet hippie (the scientist in me is currently cringing)….

Exercise and Our Brain
If you have struggled with anxiety, someone may have offered you the unsolicited advice to go for a run or hit the gym….

Where Is Your Mind?
Live in the moment. We've all heard that advice in one form or another. Don't dwell on the past. Don't live in the future. Don't let your mind wander so much. Be present. If we could just live in the moment, we would be happier. Of course that's easier said than done….

Yes, We Can Change!
All of us feel stuck at some point in our lives, and anxiety can feel especially sticky and discouraging….

Can Surrendering Be Brave?
What is bravery? Can surrendering be brave? When trials and tribulations inevitably occur in life, we tend to want to fight them….

Anxiety, Addiction, and Neuroplasticity
Here is an interesting article about addiction and neuroplasticity. Research about addiction always interests me because of some of the strong parallels between addiction and anxiety….

Anxiety and the Mind-Body Connection
"Anxiety is all in your head." False….

Empathy vs. Sympathy
I recently watched this wonderful 3-minute video by Brene Brown about empathy….

Quit it or Grit it?
I remember my mom signing me up for rec basketball when I was 8 years old. I never expressed any interest in playing basketball. EVER….

Activating the Relaxation Response
If you’ve experienced anxiety, worry, stress, overwhelm, and are a human, then you’re probably familiar with the body’s fight or flight response, an automatic response that’s initiated by the sympathetic nervous system….

Thoughts Aren’t Facts
The first time I realized this was a huge "ah-hah" moment for me. It’s not like I hadn’t heard or read this before, but like many people, I need to hear or see something about a million times before I truly “get it”….

If you’ve heard or read anything of mine before, then you’ve probably heard me say that strategies alone (e.g. five easy steps, breathing techniques, distraction, etc.) are not enough to truly move past our fear….

Myths About Happiness
There are a few myths about happiness that are keeping us unhappy and stuck….

Cultivating Emotional Resilience
No one told me how relentless parenting would be. You would think I would have somehow known this, but I’m convinced it’s the best-kept secret of all time. I really underestimated how much parenting would test me….

Kelli Gets COVID
Well, after two and a half years of avoiding it, my family and I all came down with COVID….

Feel it to Heal it
In Episode 243 of my podcast with guest Dr. Russell Kennedy, the theme that we need to “feel it to heal it” (by “it”, we mean anxiety) came up several times during the conversation….